Bergen, Norway with snow

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Listening to the rain in Bergen, Norway

Raining is so common in Bergen, especially in winter time. Maybe 300 days out of the whole year, one can see the rain in Bergen. Even though it is not the best season/right time to visit this beautiful city, Bergen still attracted many travelers like me coming to have a glance.

After a whole night of raining, this morning(4/11/2010) the sky still crowded with cloud. During the way up hill, the weather was not so good as the weather report said. However, the belief "never losing hope and why not give it a try?" drived me up to the top of Mount Ulriken.
Ulriken, a mountain of 643 metres above sea level., is one of the Seven Mountains surround Bergen, Norway. And It is the highest one!

Although the sky changed just for not more than 15 mins, I enjoyed the time. The short period of beautiful scene made it a even more valuable experience.

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